Bandcamp Searches with Python

I’m a big fan of Bandcamp and have found lots of great music on the site. Since anything can be uploaded to Bandcamp, a lot of albums need to be weeded through to find something that I like. I was interested in web scraping / crawling and Bandcamp’s page layout is pretty simple, so I tried making a script to save some time browsing the site for new music. Python has some great libraries for parsing html and automated web browsing ( beautiful soup and selenium) so that is what I used to write the script.

Download the script and try it for yourself here:

The discover section on the Bandcamp front page is my choice method of checking for new music, but still many of the albums recommended in that section have not garnered any attention, even after being published for years. I have found that few comments on the album page is a good indicator that the album is worth listening to. Extracting only these album pages can save me a lot of time from blindly clicking links only to find that there are is no activity around that album.

How it works

This script generates a GUI window where a Bandcamp discover section url can be pasted along with a page range. The url can be from any of the sub genres in that section.

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The html of each album url is checked for a “more…” button within the comments section. If this button exists, it means there are 3 or more comments on the album. If this button is found, the album is added to a new list of selected albums.

After all of the albums are checked, the albums in the refined list are opened as tabs in a new chrome window.

See it in action:

Download the script and try it for yourself here:


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